The Springs Spa

What can we help you find?

Ayurvedic Bodywork

Ayurveda reveres the use of copious amounts of various oils (tailam) in bodywork. Common base oils include coconut, sesame, and ghee, and some medicated tailams are infused with powerful Ayurvedic herbs to elicit specific effects. Ayurveda teaches that oil nourishes various layers of tissues (dhatus) of the body, and has a special affinity to soothe the nervous system.



Duration: 75 min

Abhyanga is a rhythmic, full body massage performed with warmed, herbal-infused oils to pacify vata dosha. According to the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, vata imbalance is the root cause of stress & anxiety. Benefits of this style massage include calming an overactive nervous system (counteracts the negative mental, emotional, and physical effects of stress), promotes healthy circulation, and lubricates/nourishes the joints & skin.

We provide you with supplies to shower following this treatment.



Duration: 40 min

Our signature combination of Ayurvedic massage techniques & kansa vatki to the lower legs & feet releases tension & eases foot pain, stimulates reflex and marma points, and increases circulation. Padabhyanga is best for those clients with sore, tired feet, insomnia, eyestrain, dry eyes, tension, fatigue, and those looking for stress relief.

Mukha Abhyanga


Duration: 45 min

According to Ayurveda, massage is essential to maintain health of the skin and for anti-aging rejuvenation. Our focus with this session is to nourish the face with specialized Ayurvedic oils & botanicals gently massaged with rhythmic techniques that reduce stress, increase circulation to the tissues of the face, promote lymphatic drainage, and reduce tension held in the facial muscles due to stress. The numerous marma points on the face are stimulated and clients can expect to leave feeling a deep sense of calm with a healthy natural glow.

Recommended Service Enhancement: Facial Cupping or Facial Kansa

Shiro Abhyanga


Duration: 45 min

With focused attention to the neck, shoulders and scalp, Ayurvedic techniques quickly release tension to provide relief from headaches and accumulated stress. Herbal oil is massaged rhythmically into the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles, increase circulation, and promote lustrous hair.

Please plan your day accordingly as you will leave with oil in your hair. The longer the oil remains in contact with your hair and scalp, the more noticeable the results will be.



Duration: 60 min

Shirodhara is a continuous pouring of warm oil in a slow, steady stream on the forehead. Our treatment combines several Ayurvedic bodywork techniques to prepare the body and mind for the gentle pouring of the oil which pacifies the nervous system, promotes a deep sense of tranquility, and improves mental clarity. Best for inducing a meditative state, relief from insomnia, & reduces anxiety.

We provide you with supplies to shower following this treatment.



Duration: 45 min

An invigorating massage with botanical powders will stimulate the lymphatic system, reduces excess kapha and cellulite, and aids weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. Udvartana stimulates circulation resulting in improvement in skin texture, and stimulates muscle tone. It is typically offered during a course of panchakarma and is recommended to be done in a series of sessions close together to obtain a more rapid response.

Session concludes with a quick shower to rinse the herbal powders off the body. For enhanced effects, we highly recommend adding a basic mineral bath instead.

Benefits – Those clients seeking to lose weight, reduce cellulite, or tend to retain fluid. Signs of excess kapha include muscle pain & stiffness, excess mucous, lethargy, & weight gain.

Contraindications – Clients who are frail, women who are menstruating or pregnant, those with sensitive/easily irritated skin, kidney disease, those undergoing chemotherapy or have had lymph nodes removed.

General Characteristics
of the Doshas

  • Vata
    Vata governs all movement – voluntary and involuntary physical movements as well as thought and mind movements. Imbalance in Vata can cause a fidgety mind and body and is associated with insomnia. Vata-types are “like the wind,” they can’t sit still, and jump from topic to topic quickly. They may also worry or become prone to mood swings, are often cold, tend to be slim and fine-boned, and have variable hunger, but can get cranky or anxious if they forget to eat.
  • Pitta
    Pitta is associated with heat and keenness of mind. Pitta-types tend to overheat easily and tend towards redness in skin when irritated. They like the best of the best, are very intellectual, prefer details about new topics, and are very results-oriented. Pitta types tend to be of medium build and strong-boned, and can become irritable or prone to angry outburst when stressed.
  • Kapha
    Kapha’s unique quality is density; they tend to have dense tissue and are heavy-boned and curvy. They gain weight easily, are slow to lose weight, and NEED movement and activity to lose. Kapha personalities are quiet, careful, deep-thinkers, and can be prone to depression. They are intrigued by tradition, are slow to change habits. They benefit from routine but also from excitement, challenge, and getting out more.

History of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a 5000-year old traditional medicine practice historically rooted in India, Tibet, and other regions of Southeast Asia and is translated from Sanskrit as ‘science of life’. Today, Ayurveda has become recognized for its dietary, herbal, lifestyle and exercise therapeutics (yoga is one branch of Ayurveda). The main focus is on bio-purification and rejuvenation of the body and health, with an individualized approach to balance each person’s particular dosha, or body-mind constitutional type.

Ayurveda is widely sought after by people looking to reduce stress, heal, and promote longevity. Bodywork is an integral component of Ayurveda and the treatments offer a unique perspective on treating clients holistically. Our center creates a synthesis of Ayurvedic principles with clinical knowledge to create authentic treatments that are both therapeutic as well as relaxing.

A person’s constitution is made up of three doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha. There is usually one dominant dosha (sometimes two are equally dominant) which defines the constitution you are born with, or the “Prakruti”. The doshas affect our physical being by impacting how our nervous system communicates with the organs and the brain. Ayurveda provides guidance for preventing illness, and provides insights about what foods, lifestyle habits, and self-care will support and nourish the body, mind and spirit.

Ayurveda is by no means a one-size-fits-all approach but allows for an individual assessment of your needs. Self-discovery and awareness of your own dosha can give you insights about what foods you should eat, what type of skincare products to use, ideal settings for work, play, and relaxation, and so much more.